There’s a common factor that binds all business owners together — the need to someday transition the business to its next owner. This inevitable phase requires careful consideration, strategic decision-making, and a keen eye towards the future.
Founded in 1883 in Cooperstown, North Dakota, Crane Johnson Lumber Co. evolved from a single lumberyard serving a rural market into a multi-faceted company encompassing several divisions with headquarters in Fargo, North Dakota. After the Briggs family became involved in the business in 1930, Crane Johnson spent over 50 intermittent years operating under the family’s ownership.
However, when Wayne Briggs decided it was time to start thinking about retirement — and transition to the next generation was no longer an option — he remembered an Exit Planning Seminar he had attended at the recommendation of his business advisors at Eide Bailly and turned to our team to help him through the transition process.
- One-stop-shop for all aspects of the sale process
- Proactive transition planning spanning over two years
- Peace of mind about the future of the business
- A new owner who aligns with the company’s culture
- Creation and implementation of a strategic and thoughtful exit strategy
- No employee turnover due to the transition